Waw Zombie Maps Download

Today I want to show you my favorite Call of Duty WAW custom zombies maps, so you guys can download them and have fun yourselves! I also want to show you some of the ways to download and install them, since its pretty difficult to do it the first time.

  1. Leviathan Waw Zombie Map Download
  2. Custom Cod Waw Zombie Maps Download
WawBest waw custom zombie maps

I have been asked numerous times, about how to install and play the custom maps. So I decided to make a tutorial on the subject at hand. I am by no means a pc expert. I try my best to explain. Sorry if its not in correct terms but I tried for you guys.

Below you will find the folder destination for all the mods and all of the required patches. Thanks guys I hope this helps!!!Folder Destination for all maps:C:UsersuserAppDataLocalActivisionCoDWaWmodsHere are all the required patches. MUST BE DOWNLOADED ANDINSTALLED IN CORRECT ORDER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!!!!

Leviathan Waw Zombie Map Download

The easiest way of installing custom zombie maps is using downloads from Zombie Modding or using UGX Map Manager app:Their downloads come with an installer that you run and that's it. But if you are downloading from somewhere else you might have to place the custom map files to your mod folder manually. For example, Pressing 5 will automatically say: Max ammo, reload! In the chat.To bind keys you need to open the console. Check Enabling developer console from the previous section if you haven't already.Open console and type in: /bindAfter that press space and add the key you want to bind, in this example we will use 5.So it will look like this: /bind 5Next press space again and add say.It will look like this: /bind 5 sayLast step is to add the message you want.

Custom Cod Waw Zombie Maps Download

In this case Max ammo, reload!So in the end you will have: /bind 5 say Max ammo, reload!Press enter and your bind is done!

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