Victoria 2 Papal States

Victoria 2 Papal StatesVictoria

Some funnies for you all:The Islamic extremist group recently posted a picture on their twitter account showing what the world will look like in the near future.Unfortunately for them, it seems their PR division failed history and world geography in school, as they used the map from Paradox Interactive's strategic game Victoria 2 to make their map. Click to expand.And by 'Muslim control', they presumably mean the 'people who follow other Abrahamic religions get humiliated and pay a special tax, other non-Muslims convert or die' variety, unless they've gone full extremist and mean the 'kill all non-Muslims, and probably the wrong type of Muslims too' variety.I'm not an expert on Islam, so I won't claim to know whether those varieties are the only legitimate forms of Islamic rule. But they are definitely historically popular ones, and it's a fairly safe bet that an extremist Muslim group has one or the other in mind.

Victoria 2 Theocracy Event

Victoria 2 papal states

Free States Of America Victoria 2

Basically everyone seems to think of Luna as a gamer, so I added my own story about this. Victor Emmanuel II was King of Sardinia from 1849 until 17 March 1861. At that point, he assumed the title of King of Italy and became the first king of a united Italy since the 6th century, a title he held until his death in 1878. The Italians gave him the epithet of Father of the Fatherland. The monument Altare della Patria in Rome was built in his honor.

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