Kotor 2 Unknown Force Powers

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™. Its never been an endgame force power, at least not on the old xbox verstion. Its always given to you if you play as Sith Lord. It seems unlikely that such a big difference between PC and X-box has been unknown for so long. Hassat Hunter. May 9, 2013 @ 3:59pm.

This is a list of the majority of force powers that exist within the known Universe of Star Wars. For the consensus of the chat-room, Jedi Order. Some of these techniques may or may not be utilized, as some may tug at the edge of god modding (see ).As such, each technique has been given a level cap, each level cap has a purpose, as will be explained now: Core Ability -The term references to the fact that this technique was typically learned during a Jedi or Sith's initial training, before they were taken under the instruction of a Master. Level 1 -Level 1 considers that a Padawan/Apprentice, and even a force sensitive is capable of using such a technique, only through the teaching of an appropriate master, or one knowledgeable with the technique. Level 2 -Level 2 considers the appropriate technique viable to be learned after a Jedi or Sith has attained the rank of Knight or Lord Status.

Grey's and Dark's are capable of learning such techniques through Jedi Knights and/or Sith Lords. Level 3 -Level 3 considers the appropriate technique viable to be learned after the appropriate Jedi or Sith has attained the rank of Jedi or Sith Master.

Grey and dark Jedi rarely ever learn such techniques. Level 4 -Level 4 considers the appropriate technique on the verge of god modding. Users considering knowledge of this ability should consider discussing it with an appropriate Jedi Order Team member of the Council or myself (fierceomen). ControlPowerAffiliationRequirementsDefinitionAlchakaJediLevel 1A force technique used during meditation, which involved rigorous movements while maintaining a designated focus.

Used to enhance severe levels of concentration.Force SpeedUniversalCore AbilityA very useful technique that augments an individuals speed, inevitably allowing the user to see the world around them in slow-motion.Force CloakUniversalLevel 1Using the force, a user of this technique would bend light around his body in order to conceal his physical presence.Force ConcealmentUniversalCore AbilityWith this technique, one could conceal their affiliation and presence within the force down to a minuscule if not completely. Rendering them impossible to be sensed by other force sensitives.MeditationUniversalCore AbilityA basic training technique used to attune one's mind to the force.Floating MeditationUniversalLevel 1An alternative to basic meditation and a beneficial exercise that could enhance one's ability in many era's of the force. Most notably Levitation.


Must be learned for Levitation to apply.LevitationUniversalLevel 3Allowed for brief periods of extended flight, and required a fundamental amount of focus. A technique reserved for Jedi Masters.Battle mindJediLevel 2Augments the user's morale and fighting spirit through concentration.Battle meditationUniversalLevel 4A much more powerful and expanded version of battle mind, increasing the morale and fighting spirit of allies while instilling unease in the opposition. It was possible to use this force ability to exercise it's influence on entire fleets. A very powerful, and very useful technique.Force MeldJediLevel 4A more refined version of Battle Meditation and a riskier technique to use, this ability concentrated on improving the abilities of affiliated members, particularly one's who had placed faith in the light side of the force.Force BodyUniversalLevel 2Allowed one to push one's endurance past a safe limit, sacrificing health and well being in order to sustain their connection to the force. A useful, but reckless technique.Force EnlightenmentJediLevel 3Used to enhance a defensive ability to it's highest degree, even after the routine training to master said ability.

The result ending in an enlighten Jedi, fully having embraced the light side of the force.Force ValorJediLevel 2Increased accuracy, speed, and resolve of the user's abilities. Tapping into the force one could augment their body's capacity, enhancing speed, accuracy, power, and emotional standpoint in the wake of battle.Force Shield/Protection BubbleJediLevel 2Used to protect against a volley of attacks, including blaster bolts and various forms of the force. Because of the concentration required to maintain such an ability, the user was required to remain stationary when it was in use.Electric JudgmentJediLevel 3Known also as 'emerald lightning'. This technique had many qualities present when comparing to force lightning.

Kotor 2 Unknown Force Powers 2

Only instead of inflicting pain and death, the technique merely sapped the inflicted of strength and willpower, and was not lethal.Force LightningSithLevel 1An electric based attack that inflicted pain and death upon the enemy through the use of the force.Chain LightningSithLevel 2An electric based attack capable of bouncing through multiple targets, causing pain and death upon the target.RayUniversalLevel 1Able to take surrounding matter and transfer it into energy, effectively utilizing this control in order to deflect blaster bolts. It was possible to stop a lightsaber attack, however was unlikely due to it's close range and swift movements, and preforming such an attempt would most likely be fatal.Force DeflectionUniversalLevel 1A technique used by Jedi who did not use a lightsaber. This attack was commonly used to deflect blaster bolts with the adaptation of the force. Such a technique required great affiliation with the force, and was not common among Jedi ranks, as the typical lightsaber could easily produce the same results without draining the user of energy.TapasUniversalLevel 1A power used to maintain warmth in cold environments, using the force as a coating.Force ProtectionJediLevel 3A high class technique that involved immeasurable amounts of concentration and force energy in order to maintain a temporary shield of invincibility against any and all attacks. The technique is rare, and is seen to be retained by only those who have reached Jedi Master status. The technique itself lasts for a very short amount of time.Force TranceUniversalLevel 3A hibernation ability used to slow one's own body workings to near a standstill, causing 1/10th of oxygen consumption. Proficient users in this technique could maintain this type of stasis for a week before dying from lack of hydration.

SensoryPowerAffiliationrequirementsDefinitionForce SightUniversalCore AbilityIt enhanced one's visual perception through the force, instead of relying on eyes alone. It enabled one to determine force alignments, life force energies, and allowed a full spectrum view of the user's surroundings.FarseeingUniversalCore AbilityAllowed the user to detect when friends and allies were in danger.Force EmpathyJediCore AbilitySenses emotional insecurities within or between individuals, sometimes even far off from the situation when used by more attuned force users.TelepathyUniversalCore AbilityUsed to communicate with other individuals over short or vast distances. Depending on the level of connection to the force.PsychometryUniversalLevel 1Allowed a user of this technique to retain information of the past regarding a particular item or token of interest, inevitably discovering the events that occurred before the item or token was ditched.Battle PrecognitionUniversalLevel 2Allowed for increased reaction time due to the user's ability to anticipate an opponent's movements. TelekineticsForce Push/PullUniversalCore AbilityUses the user's ability of telekenisis, amplified to use by the forefront of the force, to push, pull, and/or grip objects with the force, suspending them in mid air, and manuevering them in kind.Force WaveUniversalLevel 2A more powerful version of force push.Force Repulse -UniversalLevel 3The most powerful of force impulses, capable of devastating results as it's capabilities allowed for any object in it's path to be break away at sheering velocities.

Kotor Force Mods

Art of the SmallUniversallevel 1A radical force technique that required an immense amount of concentration. The user shrunk their presence within the force to a microscopic size, allowing the ability to rearrange molecules to their fitting.

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