Fallout New Vegas Skill Checks

So, what are the highest skill requirements that you've come across in the wasteland, not for perks, but to pass a check? This is to help give me some kind of idea where to put skill points when i level up, now that you can't max them all by just playing the game.The obvious ones are:Science 100, Lockpick 100 & i know about Speech 100 or Barter 100 for the final battle. So these skills need only be taken to 80, having taken the comprehension perk.i've come across Unarmed 50 to learn the legion unarmed move.there was a Guns 40 check at the 188 trading postso any more that you've come across?13:39, February 2, 2011 (UTC)Checks are not level dependant, the 40 guns in the 188 trading post exists in level 1 or 30 until you pass it. You won't find too many 100% skill requirements in the game, but they are there. With the exception of my primary and secondary combat skills I never raise a skill to 100%, because this means I'm wasting points. For example, the highest medicine check in the whole game is at 60%, so you don't need to raise medicine above 30% if you pick the Comprehension perk.

  1. Fallout New Vegas Skill Points
  2. Fallout New Vegas Dialogue Skill Checks

Even if you don't take the perk, this means that you still don't need it above 40%, because you have a coat that gives you 10% and a magazine that adds another 10%. Of course we are talking about playstyle, in hardcore mode a high survival skill is more usefull than a high medicine, but in non-hardcore mode medicine is better. This are the only two skills other than the combat related that I grant an exception raising to 100%, survival and medicine, they both worth the points to higher levels.Usually going to 75% or 80% is more than enough if you build your player right, exception made to the perks that requires 90% (Jury Rigging, for example).But that's not what you've asked, is what I think. If you really want to raise a skill to 100% I vote for Repair, Barter, Medicine in casual mode and Survival in hardcore mode, Speech and Science if you are a energy weapons courier. Lockpick at 85% is more than enough after you visited Vault 3 (or 75% if you picked the Comprehension perk). 14:29, February 2, 2011 (UTC)There's some Explosives and Guns checks (25 through 45) during.

In order to sneak weapons into casinos, the player needs 50 Sneak. The last ones I can think of are some pretty high Repair and Medicine checks used to make some quests easier. Hope this helps!

- - 14:45, February 2, 2011 (UTC)There's a Level 75 Survival check to teach Jack how to make Hydra during Aba daba honeymoon although you don't really need this if you have a decent Science skill. I'm sure there's more but just that one came to mind ATM.

(P3dantic) 00:17, February 3, 2011 (UTC).

Originally posted by:A 1 in Charisma, even tagged, will start at 17. Though, starting with 10 Int (15 skill points per level) will allow you to raise it pretty fast if you focus on it. I don't know how spoiler-adverse you are but you might want to start with Int 9 as there is a way to permanently boost it by 1, along with all the SPECIALs.I know you can boost it with implants, anything else I'm not sure. If it's early on in the game please feel free to tell me how to raise it permanently.I have an issue in RPGs where if I don't get my starting stats perfect I will delete save files over 30 hours long because I find out I didn't distribute in a smart manner. Wish I wasn't like this lol. Originally posted by:Where should I put intelligence at to get the most skill points possible?

Check out our new guide for Fallout 4 Console Commands and Cheats. Fallout New Vegas Logo. Fallout: New Vegas is equipped with a powerful console that allows for changing of settings like how much weight you can carry, your intelligence, and your karma. This console enables the ability to cheat, but it also is a tool for fixing glitches. Fallout: New Vegas. Barter, and Speech, and then when I do the battle for Goodsprings I can pass every skill check (when recruiting allies for Ringo) and get all the bonus experience. Repair lets you fix Trudy's radio, Speech (or Sneak) get her to help you, Explosives gets Easy Pete's dynamite, Barter gets Chet's leather armor, and Medicine.

Fallout new vegas skill

I'm assuming 10 but not sure.10 if you want most skill points of course, but skill points are overrated IMHO. This is from someone with 400+ hours (plus many more on non-Steam version) of NV gameplay.' Why are INT & Skill Points per level overrated?' Because perks skill points.

Perks are what dictates your character build, not the skill points.2. There's absolutely no practical reason to try and max literally every skill: Pick 4-6 to invest on and focus on them.3. Skilled -trait gives you extra 5 pts in ALL skills for practically no downside at all (it sounds harsher than it actually is).4. Educated (adds +2 skill points per level-up) and Comprehension (double skill points on skill magazines & +1 skill point on books) makes any INT score above 4 largely obsolete.Comprehension in particular saves tons of skill points as you can handle 100 pt skill checks with mere 80 + skill magazine. Explosives, Lockpick, Medicine, Science and Speech checks are fairly common - Comprehension alone gives you a 'spare' 100 skill points when needed.So yeah, INT 4 & Educated + Comprehension is all you need. Originally posted by:Where should I put intelligence at to get the most skill points possible? I'm assuming 10 but not sure.10 if you want most skill points of course, but skill points are overrated IMHO.

Fallout New Vegas Skill Points

This is from someone with 400+ hours (plus many more on non-Steam version) of NV gameplay.' Why are INT & Skill Points per level overrated?' Because perks skill points. Perks are what dictates your character build, not the skill points.2. There's absolutely no practical reason to try and max literally every skill: Pick 4-6 to invest on and focus on them.3. Skilled -trait gives you extra 5 pts in ALL skills for practically no downside at all (it sounds harsher than it actually is).4.

Fallout New Vegas Dialogue Skill Checks

Educated (adds +2 skill points per level-up) and Comprehension (double skill points on skill magazines & +1 skill point on books) makes any INT score above 4 largely obsolete.Comprehension in particular saves tons of skill points as you can handle 100 pt skill checks with mere 80 + skill magazine. Explosives, Lockpick, Medicine, Science and Speech checks are fairly common - Comprehension alone gives you a 'spare' 100 skill points when needed.So yeah, INT 4 & Educated + Comprehension is all you need.I started my playthrough with 10 intelligence to see how NV works. So far so good but i'm at level 5 i'm starting to realize i'll be able to max out all skills. Definitely will tone it down next run which will probably be melee. Psp pes 2014.

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