Contoh Komunikasi Intrapersonal Dan Interpersonal

  1. Contoh Komunikasi Intrapersonal Dan Interpersonal Skills
  2. Contoh Komunikasi Intrapersonal Dan Interpersonal Learning
  3. Contoh Komunikasi Intrapersonal Dan Interpersonal Theory

10 contoh persepsi dalam psikologi komunikasi ini dapat menjadi penjelasan tambahan mengenai makna persepsi terutama ketika kita membahas mengenai komunikasi intrapersonal atau komunikasi pribadi yang sebenarnya sering kita lakukan dalam keseharian.

First, what is Service Learning? It's the campus' program for all majors to learn how to apply their skills to directly do a public service. At least that's my definition for it.

What did I do in my Service Learning? Since I'm in IT Department, I taught people how to operate a computer efficiently, which is kinda boring for me.

But the point is not about the material itself, it's about my interpersonal communication skills. Well, and the skills to operate computer for them. One thing to note, I taught teachers, not students, so it's also a different experience to teach older people about computers. Which turns out to be kinda hard.

But I'm not gonna talk about that. Instead, I'm gonna talk about my team members.

What do you think you are, what do your friends / family think you are, are there any gaps? What are you going to do with it?I think of myself as a thinker and a planner more than as a doer, I like technical works more than administrative works and I like to understand something more than just know something.

Usually I do something not because I want something in return, but because I like doing it.Now, I don't know what others think of me, but I think it's about the same. So, I'm going to let people know me better.(Write) 3 most important points you learn on how to identify, learn, and develop your interpersonal communication skills especially related to your self-concept/awareness/esteem, values, and soft-skills during class meetings, online discussion, service learning experiences and daily life.

Inclusion of related anecdotes, poems, drawings or crazy ideas are greatly welcome.First, this is something I learned during PMB class. It's about win-win solution. In a communication, both sides need to not just say something, but also listen to the partner.

To communicate information, the information has to be delivered (through speech) and received (through listening). Win-win also means that if you want to be listened to, you need to listen back when s/he is talking.The second point is something I learned in life, which is putting ourself in the other person's shoes.


It means we should think as if we were the people we are talking to. A lot of problems in this world really comes from closed-mindedness. Thinking this way lets us understand why someone do something. It's not easy to think this way (because of our own ego), but if we can it will help us a lot in our life.The last but not least is stop making assumptions when we should not.

Verbal communication feels very natural for us, so natural that sometimes we forgot to think before we speak. During the process of communication, the listener would process the information s/he gets from the speaker. Sometimes, during the information processing, we would automatically make some assumptions. Then, with the assumptions we made, we give a response which, most of the time, is not accurate. This is what usually leads a casual conversation into a fiery debate.

We should think more carefully before we give any response and think about what s/he really means. (although we can't hide our body language)(Write) at least 1 attitude(s)/behavior(s) on values and 1 interpersonal skills you have decided to change, continue doing, or stop doing.One attitude on values that I have decided to change is the habit of procrastination. I need to stop procrastinating things and start making progress.The interpersonal skill I decided to continue doing is being a good listener. I prefer to listen than to speak, and that makes me a good listener, and I will keep doing that.(Write) at least 1 attitude(s)/behavior(s) on values and 1 interpersonal skills you have been successful in developingI think the behavior I've been successful in developing is independence, meaning I can organize my own self. I will know when it's time to study, eat, sleep, or anything else.

Because before one can learn to organize other people, one need to organize one's self.The interpersonal skills I've been successful in developing would be public speaking. This is directly affected by my being a class assistant. Nampaknya post sebelumnya tidak sesuai keinginan dosen.What do you think of your interpersonal communication skills?To be honest, I think my interpersonal skills are okay. They're not very bright, but not too bad either. I can communicate what I think with others, to some extent. I think this has something to do with me teaching in class as an assistant.

But I still hope to communicate better in the future.Do you find any problems of interpersonal communication? What are they?The biggest problem I encounter is my introversy. Being an introvert means I need more time to think, to be alone, or in other words, having an intrapersonal communication. I don't like pointless small talks, and I prefer to not speak at most times. Even when I make a blog, it's for an assignment.Any thoughts on improvement?Of course, I need to constantly improving my skills.

Talking is the easiest way to train one's interpersonal communication skills. So, what I need to do is more talking, which is really hard for me. Wikipedia: 'Interpersonal communication is exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of study.

Related skills are learned and can be improved. During interpersonal communication there is message sending and message receiving. This can be conducted using both direct and indirect methods. Successful interpersonal communication is when the message senders and the message receivers understand the message.'


Menurut ulasan diatas, komunikasi interpersonal adalah pertukaran informasi antara dua orang atau lebih. Pertukaran informasi tidak hanya secara verbal saja, tapi juga dari bahasa tubuh. Hal ini juga berarti komunikasi interpersonal bisa dilakukan tanpa menggunakan kata - kata sekalipun, yaitu menggunakan bahasa tubuh.

Contoh Komunikasi Intrapersonal Dan Interpersonal Skills

Intinya adalah ada pesan yang disampaikan dan diterima. Hal ini juga berarti komunikasi tidak terbatas secara fisik saja, tapi juga bisa melalui media cetak maupun elektronik.Menurut saya pribadi, komunikasi interpersonal diperlukan oleh setiap manusia, baik dalam kehidupan sehari - hari maupun dalam dunia kerja. Dalam kehidupan sehari - hari jelas komunikasi sangat diperlukan, misalnya untuk berbicara dengan teman / keluarga.

Dalam dunia kerja pun komunikasi sangat diperlukan. Meskipun ada pekerjaan yang kurang membutuhkan komunikasi, pasti ada saat dimana komunikasi diperlukan.Berbeda dengan komunikasi intrapersonal:Wikipedia: 'Intrapersonal communication is language use or thought internal to the communicator. It can be useful to envision intrapersonal communication occurring in the mind of the individual in a model which contains a sender, receiver, and feedback loop.' Komunikasi intrapersonal adalah komunikasi yang terjadi dalam diri seseorang. Hal ini bisa berupa pemikiran, sugesti diri sendiri, maupun introspeksi diri. Menurut saya, tujuan dari komunikasi intrapersonal adalah untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada dalam pikiran kita sendiri.

Contoh konkritnya adalah proses belajar dengan cara membaca sebuah kalimat dan mengucapkannya berulang - ulang. Hal ini dilakukan agar intisari dari kalimat itu bisa diterima oleh otak. Dengan adanya proses berbicara dan mendengar suatu hal secara berulang - ulang, otak akan lebih mudah mengingat kalimat itu. Contoh lain adalah membuat catatan tentang materi pelajaran. Proses menulis catatan (dan membacanya lagi kemudian) adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi dengan diri sendiri, dengan kata lain komunikasi intrapersonal.

Dengan menulis suatu hal, hal itu akan lebih mudah diingat oleh otak.Menurut saya, komunikasi intrapersonal juga tidak kalah penting dibanding komunikasi interpersonal. Banyak masalah yang terjadi dalam kehidupan ini berasal dari pikiran yang masih kacau dan terlalu banyak pikiran, sehingga kita tidak bisa fokus dengan kegiatan / komunikasi interpersonal. Dengan adanya komunikasi dengan diri sendiri, kita bisa menenangkan pikiran kita sendiri, sehingga kita bisa lebih fokus pada segala aktifitas kita.


Although all relationships require communication, not allrelationships require interpersonal communication. The impersonal relationships such as the oneswe have with a checkout clerk at Wal-mart.Some of these impersonal relationshipsoccur without any verbal messages and minimal nonverbal messages beingexchanged.

Contoh Komunikasi Intrapersonal Dan Interpersonal Learning

The intimate relationships such as the ones we typically have with our bestfriend, husband, wife, life partner,girlfriend, or boyfriend. Through ourinterpersonal communication, intimacy can be achieved in all types ofrelationships,including friendships, relationships between partners, andrelationships among family members. Interpersonal communication is irreversible.It’s mean in thatonce we have communicated something, we can’t take it back. At times, we mightsay something to another person that we wish we hadn’t said.Interpersonal communicationis also unrepeatable. If we’ve evertried to recapture an intimate conversation or a special moment that you hadwith someone, you realize that it’s next to impossible to recreate the moment.

Contoh Komunikasi Intrapersonal Dan Interpersonal Theory

Ourinterpersonal communication is highly susceptible to all of these contextualand psychological factors,which make it difficult to recreate an interpersonalmoment. Our personality plays an important role in our interpersonalcommunication. Personalityis the total psychological makeup of an individual—a profilethat reflects experiences, motivations, attitudes, beliefs, values, andbehaviors.

Our personality is a combination of various traits, which are distinguishable ways in which one individual differsfrom others.Our communication is an expression of our personality.Psychologists Robert McCrae and Paul Costa are responsible for identifying andlabeling a collection of personality traits known as the Big Five model of personality, which include openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,agreeableness, and neuroticism. People with all different types of personalityprofiles can work together. It depends on how well we and our significant othercommunicate with each other. Although personality influences how youcommunicate, it’s your communication that ultimately influences the quality ofour relationships. Our interpersonal communication motives (pleasure,affection,inclusion, escape, relaxation, and control) allow us to better understand what’sdriving our own and others’ communication. Kalau minggu lalu kita sudah membicarakantentang komunikasi intrapersonal yang merupakan percakapan atau penggunaan bahasaatau pikiran yang terjadi dalam diri komunikator itu sendiri.Maka kali ini kitaakan membicarakan tentang komunikasi Interpersonal.Di mana untuk bisa memahamimakna dari komunikasi interpersonal ini maka kita perlu terlebih dahulumemahami komunikasi intrapersonal.Sebenarnya apa sich yang dimaksud dengankomunikasi interpersonal itu?

Komunikasi interpersonaladalah komunikasi yang terjadi antara dua orang atau lebih baik melalui pesan verbal maupun non verbal untuk menciptakanpemahaman dan untuk mempengaruhi satu sama lain guna membagun suatu hubungan. Komunikasi interpersonal ini memilikibeberapa komponen,yaitu. Komunikasi yang efektif ditandai dengan hubunganinterpersonal yang baik. Kegagalan komunikasi sekunder terjadi, bila isi pesankita dipahami, tetapi hubungan di antara komunikan menjadi rusak. Untukmenumbuhkan dan meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal, kita perlu meningkatkankualitas komunikasi yaitu dengan interpersonal skill.

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