How To Play Dayz Epoch

How many times have you heard this?:'So I really want to play epoch, but every single epoch server is literally the same things. Cinder bases everywhere. AS50 TWS everywhere. No friendlies. Not even DayZ.' I've heard it about 10000 times.But I want to make a solution to that statement!DayZ: Epoch NostalgiaHow epoch was when it came out!Some people might think this is unrealistic, but it really isn't.

Dayz Epoch Building Guide


Why join a Taviana server if you can also play on DayZ Epoch Origins? Join now THE FIRST DayZ Epoch Origins Server. We have all the popular scripts: - Build Snapping - Auto fuel - Side Missions - Evac Chopper & More Now we have running our Epoch with the Map and stuff from Origins. Download DayZ Origins (just use DayZ. Arma2 DayZ: Epoch Mod brings more RP to DayZ Mod with; Metals based economy, NPC Traders, Lockable Vaults, More roles, and more. Arma2 DayZ: Epoch is set in a future time after the Great Infection. Humanity is slowly returning to the wasteland, industrious survivors have begun to join together in small groups and rebuild society.

There are other communities who have gotten the original DayZ Mod (2012 version) popular! But I know some people like missions, and base building, and traders, including myself. So I wanted to make this server. However, it wouldn't be how epoch is today.

It would be destructible cinder bases. No coins, default UI etc. It would pretty much be vanilla except for an anticheat.

I am willing to add some mods, and the economy based on what people want. Make sure to vote in the poll or comment if you're interested, and post any ideas aswell!My experience: I own another community called Unturned Battlefield with some popular servers but it's almost been a year now and I'm getting tired of it and want to switch over to dayz.This is a video/series that kind of is what I want to make again. This was back in January on a server which I miss. It was pretty much what I want to have now.

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