Star Wars The Force Unleashed All Lightsaber Hilts

  1. Star Wars Force Unleashed Games
  2. Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Black Lightsaber Cheat Code
The force unleashed lightsaber crystals
  1. Jan 13, 2012 - I wonder if there's lightsabers to collect in Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2. Ive played through all the levels and i never saw a hilt,.
  2. 10 Saber Hilts-Detailed Locations. #08 Imperial Raxus Prime: This one was hard for me to figure out how to get. After you fight the AT-ST in the hangar, destroy the 2 control panels near the exit (this will open a door above the empty AT-ST bay). Then go to the empty AT-ST bay and double jump to the cross bar in the bay.

Found them all just type on search star wars the force unleashed psp-part 1 wen u finished it goto part 2 so while watching play the game to while yor at it and use some cheats to crank up yor style use health,force,lightsaber, and costume cheat ul find those cheats here hey if nid any help just message me here k bye:).

Star wars the force unleashed cheats wii all lightsaber hilts

CheatsMain Menu Options Enter CodeOSSUS - All databank entries unlockedKATARN - All Force Powers Unlocked and MaxedADEGAN - All saber throw ranks unlockedJOCASTA - All Talents UnlockedLIGHTSABER - Amplified DamageRAGNOS - Combo UnlockMINDTRICK - Makes levels mirrored.EXARKUN - Maximum Force Push. Extra Characters and SkinsAt the main menu, choose Options and then Cheat Codes. Trophies'I'm Not Your Father, But.'

(Gold) - Take Luke to school'No More Lies, Old Man' (Gold) - Defeat Obi-Wan, before and after he becomes more powerful than you can possibly imagine100% Complete (Platinum) - Unlock all trophies.And The Quarterback Is Toast (Silver) - Defeat Boba FettApprentice (Bronze) - Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. List of AchievementsHere's a list of the known achievements (except the twelve secret ones):Apprentice (75) - Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.Sith Warrior (100) - Complete Game - Sith Warrior difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.Sith Lord (100) - Complete Game - Sith Lord difficulty.

Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.Sith Master (100) - Complete Game - Sith Master difficulty. Hidden Milennium FalconImperial Raxus PrimeRight at the beginning of the level, after you force push through the first metal barricade, you follow a path that curves to the right, with a cliff to the left that is patrolled by TIE fighters. Jump over the broken bridge and in front of you there is a Rodian defender on a raised platform with a blaster. Once you have taken care of the enemies stand on the platform where that Rodian was and check out the scenery to the right.

You cant miss it, its a big freakin ship!. Hidden Clone Helmet Easter EggOutside Walkway - Above the tunnel in the back of the walkwayBefore hopping over the gap to the side along the walkway where the TIEfighters swoop by, if you want to see a hidden helmet easter egg, then useforce grip to stack up a few crates next to the rooftop of the tunnel at theend of the first walkway then leap up to the rooftop of that tunnel.

It isbest to stack a cylindrical crate on its side (standing up) then stack anothercylindrical crate on top of it or stack two rectangular crates on top of thecylindrical crate. Position them with the left analog then set them downlightly by using the right analog to lower them before letting go. Either way,make sure the crates are stacked right below the rooftop then hop on top ofthem and double jump to the rooftop. Use the force dash (L1) to help gain someextra air time during the double jump if needed. It is best to attempt this onthe easiest mode since the TIE fighters will be swooping by and firing atStarkiller the entire time from the left side.The helmet will be at the end of the rooftop. It can't be collected. Stare inamazement then drop down and get back to the situation at hand.Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Hints.

Darth Vader Unleashed BattleWhen you reach Darth Vader for the first time, you will be in a hallway. You'll want to block all of his lightsaber attacks. After you block a couple of attacks he should start powering up his force push, when he does this double jump behind him. When you are behind him attack him with lightsaber combos. Continue to do this until the next cutscene comes.When you are fighting Vader in the circular room, he will try to throw a bunch of objects at you, when he is holding them above his head throw your lightsaber at him. If you do not do that when it is over his head, then he will block. Continue to throw your lightsaber at him until he jumps from the middle to the far back.When you are battling at the far back use the same technique you did when you fought him in the hallway.

If you make past that another cutscene will come. If you go kill Vader you will have completed the game on the Darkside (it is pretty easy to kill Vader), but if you go kill the emperor, then you will have completed the game on the lightside.If you beat the game on the dark side then you will unlock the Sith Stalker Armor. If you beat the game on the Darkside, then after words you can choose mission select and go to the final level again and beat on the Lightside. When you beat it on the Lightside you will unlock the 'Jedi Ceremonial Robes'.

Junkyard Jedi Battle StratageyStay at a distance and spam force lightening. Hide behind objects to slow the Jedi from getting into close range. Staying at a distance is important because as long as you are at range the only thing that can hit you is force push which does less damage at range.

Keeping at a distance will also provide the Jedi with less time to hit you with his light saber should he hit you with force push. When the Jedi is down by about 25% he will summon a Juggernaut. Kill him the same way you did the juggernaut that summoned after you activated the turbine. Once the Juggernaut is dead the Jedi will begin attacking you again. Continue the force lightening bombardment until he summons another Juggernaut.

The fight will continue like this until he is dead. Save After Using Cheat CodesSuccessfully complete the first mission. Pause the game, and select the 'Input Code' option.

Star Wars Force Unleashed Games

Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.Alternately, successfully complete the first mission. After gaining access to the Rogue Shadow, you will have the ability enable cheat codes. While on board your ship between missions, select 'Extras', then the 'Enter Code' option. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.Note: Enabling a costume code may prevent some intermissions sequences from being viewed. The game cannot be saved when non-costume codes are enabled.

Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Black Lightsaber Cheat Code

To bypass this, reach a checkpoint in a new area after enabling the code(s), then intentionally die, exit to the main menu, and select 'Continue.' You can now manually save your game with the code(s) still in effect. Note: This must be done before finishing a level, otherwise your profile will be flagged as using cheat codes.Gaming deals, prizes and latest news.

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